This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Trump speaks at CPAC and gives us all a ray of hope, while Pope Benedict XVI speak in an interview, crushing the hopes of millions of conspiracy theorists. Both Dr. Seuss and Design Foundry are cancelled, yet few can explain exactly why. Dinesh D'Souza's new podcast is a big hit and Eric compares him to Rush Limbaugh. Eric tells us why we have reason to hope for the future.

In the news, scientists discover Asian dinosaur bones, and Eric and Dan showcase their ignorance on prehistoric life. US House passes the Equality Act… female priests are sure to be next. Biden passes his Covid relief bill. Cuba outlaws animal cruelty but not human cruelty. Capitol police ask for military back-up for another 60 days.

In the land of nonsense, wax mannikins sit in restaurants, a woman buys a crochet kit and finds a kilogram of cocaine, ailing wild sheep produces mass amounts of wool, and California drivers' licenses now feature masked faces.

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